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Burgenlandkreis, Germany

Film production for various pepper’s ghost installations and a puppet theatre, computer animation of the sky disc, AV and media technology for Multimedia-based Visitor Centre “Ark of Nebra” in Kleinwangen near Nebra/Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

The Multimedia-based Visitor Centre “Ark of Nebra” in Kleinwangen near Nebra/Saxony-Anhalt – the exact place where the famous and mysterious 3,600 years ol “Sky Disc of Nebra” has been found in 1999 – is open since June 21, 2007. The permanent exhibition presents information about the Sky Disc and the Bronze Age.
project: syntropy has won the contract for film production, computer animation of the sky disc and media technology. The highlight of the exhibition are four so-called Pepper’s Ghost films: a projected actor interacts with real artefacts inside the exhibits.

  • complete Film Production
  • Postproduction
  • 3D Animation
  • Media Technology
  • Installation
  • Maintenance