Technical University Braunschweig, Institute of Computer Graphics, Computer Graphics Lab
Turnkey 5m fibre glass fulldome solution mounted on a steel truss comprising a 6-channel WQXGA active 3D 120Hz stereo projection system, 6+1 render cluster w. Nvidia Quadro graphics boards, full body motion- and eye- and gaze tracking systems, ProjectionTools autocalibration and domeprojection NWarp for real-time dynamic warping.
Download TUB ICG dome Flyer.pdf
We have won the tender for the fulldome projection system of the Technical University Braunschweig, a project funded by the German Science Foundation as “ICG-dome”, by offering our proven turnkey fulldome solution as the most cost-effective but also most powerful system possible at the time and budget, which no competitor was able to deliver.
We designed and built a turnkey fulldome system mounted on a steel truss featuring a 6-channel WQXGA active 3D 120Hz stereo projection system offering more than 10 megapixels resolution for an extremely competitive price and optimized for rapid assembly at optimum image quality. The lightweight 5m fulldome comprises eight 2.5m long fibre glass segments mounted on a truss for easy setup (and dismantling and transportation, if required).
We also delivered and integrated a 6+1 render cluster with powerful Nvidia Quadro graphics boards connected to each projector, a real-time full body motion- as well as eye- and gaze tracking systems,
A ProjectionTools auto calibration system ensures seamless edge-blending and automatic geometry correction for an ultimate image quality. also provided their dynamic frustum alignment: the dynamic virtual camera frustum keeps its origin aligned with a viewer’s head position to enable free movement with real-time motion parallax.
The Computer Graphics Lab of the Technical University Braunschweig and the ICG dome
The Computer Graphics Lab of the Technical University Braunschweig uses the ICG dome for research in peripheral visual perception, to devise comprehensive foveal-peripheral rendering strategies, and to explore multi-user immersive visualization and interaction.
Our turnkey fulldome research system enables the researchers to
- systematically and comprehensively explore and quantitatively model the perceptual properties of our Human Visual System for computer graphics applications;
- develop and evaluate novel gaze-contingent rendering techniques that take the entire field of human vision into account;
- develop and evaluate novel multi-user interaction paradigms for immersive visualization environments in which the audience takes center stage.